number.hpp File Reference

#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "rational.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  number


bool operator== (number a, number b)
bool operator!= (number a, number b)
bool operator< (number a, number b)
bool operator<= (number a, number b)
bool operator> (number a, number b)
bool operator>= (number a, number b)
number operator- (number n)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, number n)

Function Documentation

bool operator!= ( number  a,
number  b 
) [inline]

Compare two number objects for numeric inequality. The objects are coerced to a common type before comparing.

a The left-hand operand
b The right-hand operand
true if a != b (watch out for floating-point comparisons).

Definition at line 149 of file number.hpp.

00150 {
00151   return not (a == b);
00152 }

number operator- ( number  n  )  [inline]

Negate a number.

n the number

Definition at line 202 of file number.hpp.

00203 {
00204   return number(0) - n;
00205 }

bool operator< ( number  a,
number  b 
) [inline]

Compare two number objects for numeric less-than. The objects are coerced to a common type before comparing.

a The left-hand operand
b The right-hand operand
true if a < b (watch out for floating-point comparisons).

Definition at line 160 of file number.hpp.

References number::less().

00161 {
00162   return a.less(b);
00163 }

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
number  n 
) [inline]

Print a number

stream The output stream
n The number to print

Definition at line 211 of file number.hpp.

References number::print().

00212 {
00213   n.print(stream);
00214   return stream;
00215 }

bool operator<= ( number  a,
number  b 
) [inline]

Compare two number objects for numeric less-than-or-equal. The objects are coerced to a common type before comparing.

a The left-hand operand
b The right-hand operand
true if a <= b (watch out for floating-point comparisons).

Definition at line 171 of file number.hpp.

00172 {
00173   return not(b < a);
00174 }

bool operator== ( number  a,
number  b 
) [inline]

Compare two number objects for numeric equality. The objects are coerced to a common type before comparing.

a The left-hand operand
b The right-hand operand
true if a == b (watch out for floating-point comparisons).

Definition at line 138 of file number.hpp.

References number::equals().

00139 {
00140   return a.equals(b);
00141 }

bool operator> ( number  a,
number  b 
) [inline]

Compare two number objects for numeric greater-than. The objects are coerced to a common type before comparing.

a The left-hand operand
b The right-hand operand
true if a > b (watch out for floating-point comparisons).

Definition at line 182 of file number.hpp.

00183 {
00184   return b < a;
00185 }

bool operator>= ( number  a,
number  b 
) [inline]

Compare two number objects for numeric greater-than-or-equal. The objects are coerced to a common type before comparing.

a The left-hand operand
b The right-hand operand
true if a >= b (watch out for floating-point comparisons).

Definition at line 193 of file number.hpp.

00194 {
00195   return not (a < b);
00196 }

Generated on Sun Nov 30 10:06:52 2008 for Calculator by  doxygen 1.5.3